Events Projects Downloads Links Contact |
EVENTS Forthcoming
24.-25. Aug 2024 |
Perlentreff (beadmakers meeting), Archaeological Park
Roman Villa Borg (Germany) |
Sep 2024 |
Furnace Projekt VFP2024, Archaeocentrum Velzeke (Belgium) |
27. Nov 2024 |
Presentation "FIAT LUX - es werde Licht!
Zu den frühen römischen Glasfenstern und ihrer Herstellung" (German language), LIMESEUM Ruffenhofen |
14. Jul 2024 |
Glastag, Römische Glashütte / RömerWelt am caput limitis Rheinbrohl (Germany) |
2. Jun 2024 |
UNESCO World Heritage Day, Römische Glashütte / RömerWelt am caput limitis Rheinbrohl (Germany) |
22.-26. May 2024 |
Roman glass furnace project "Borg Furnace Project 2024 / BFP2024", Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg (Germany) |
Sep 2023 |
Furnace Projekt VFP2023, Archaeocentrum Velzeke (Belgium) |
3.-4. Sep 2022 |
Perlentreff (beadmakers meeting), Archaeological Park
Roman Villa Borg (Germany) |
9.-14. Aug 2022 |
Roman glass furnace project including the reconstruction and test operation of a small Roman glass workshop, Archaeological Park Cambodunum APC |
16.-24. Jun 2022 |
Building and operating a glass furnace / workshop during the 2. Glassymposium Rheinbach, Glasmuseum Rheinbach / Glasfachschule Rheinbach (Germany) |
7.-12. Jun 2022 |
Roman glass furnace project "Borg Furnace Project 2022 / BFP2022", Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg |
24. Apr 2022 |
Presentation "Feuer und Flamme für Glas - 15 Jahre römische Glasverarbeitung im Experiment" (German language), Kolloquium am Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt |
Oct 2021 |
2021-Conference, Online & Allard Pierson - Collecties van
de Universiteit van Amsterdam |
25. Sep 2021 |
Demos at the Roman glass furnace - Annual meeting of the EXAR, Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg |
4.-5. Sep 2021 |
Perlentreff (beadmakers meeting), Archaeological Park
Roman Villa Borg (Germany) |
30. Aug 2020 |
Bead furnace demos and beadmakers meeting, RoemerWelt Museum, Rheinbrohl (Germany) |
28. Jun 2020 |
Exposition and presentation "Der Betrieb rekonstruierter römischer Glashütten - die Forschungen der letzten 15 Jahre", RoemerWelt Museum, Rheinbrohl (Germany) |
28. Nov 2019 |
Presentation "Der Betrieb rekonstruierter römischer Glashütten - die Forschungen der letzten 15 Jahre" (German language), Volkshochschule Ansbach / LIMESEUM Ruffenhofen (Germany) |
5. Nov 2019 |
Presentation "Der Betrieb rekonstruierter römischer Glashütten - die Forschungen der letzten 15 Jahre" (German language), Trier University (Germany) |
Sep 2019 |
Bead furnace demos, Glasmuseum Rheinbach (Germany) |
Sep 2019 |
Museum's open day (including operating the bead furnace), LWL-Industriemuseum Glashuette Gernheim, Petershagen (Germany) |
Sep 2019 |
Furnace Projekt VFP2019, Provinciaal Archeologisch Museum Velzeke (Belgium) |
31. Aug - 1. Sep 2019 |
Perlentreff (beadmakers meeting), Archaeological Park
Roman Villa Borg (Germany)

Jun 2019 |
Furnace Project BFP2019, Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg (Germany)

18.-19. May 2019 |
Demos in the glass workshop, Archaeological Park
Roman Villa Borg (Germany) |
6.-7. Apr 2019 |
Demos in the glass workshop, Archaeological Park
Roman Villa Borg (Germany) |
Oct 2018 |
2018-Conference, Mikulov |
10.-14. Oct 2018 |
Test run of the large glass furnace / demos in the glass workshop, Archaeological Park
Roman Villa Borg (Germany) |
Sep 2018 |
Museum's open day (including operating the bead furnace), LWL-Industriemuseum Glashuette Gernheim, Petershagen (Germany) |
12.-22. Sep 2018 |
Building and operating a glass furnace / workshop during the 1. Glassymposium Rheinbach, Glasmuseum Rheinbach / Glasfachschule Rheinbach (Germany)

Sep 2018 |
Furnace Projekt VFP2018, Provinciaal Archeologisch Museum Velzeke (Belgium) |
1.-2. Sep 2018 |
Perlentreff (beadmakers meeting), Archaeological Park
Roman Villa Borg (Germany) |
30. Jul - 5. Aug 2018 |
Building and operating of two bead furnaces, Pfahlbaumuseum Unteruhldingen (Germany) |
Jun 2018 |
Furnace Project BFP2018, Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg (Germany) |
Jan 2018 |
Symposium Mundgeblasenes Flachglas
in Architektur, Kunst und Restaurierung, LWL-Industriemuseum Glashuette Gernheim, Petershagen (Germany) |
Jan 2018 |
Workshop Approaches in the Analysis of Production at Archaeological Sites, Freie Universitaet Berlin (Germany) |
3.-4. Nov 2017 |
CEASARS @30 conference, British Museum (London, UK) |
Oct 2017 |
2017 glass conference, Roemisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz (Germany) |
Sep - 1. Oct 2017 |
EXAR conference, RoemerMuseum/Archaeological Park Xanten (Germany) |
Sep - 1. Oct 2017 |
FA V of the DGG (Deutsche Glastechnische Gesellschaft) in Coesfeld (Germany) |
Sep 2017 |
Furnace Projekt VFP2017, Provinciaal Archeologisch Museum Velzeke (Belgium) |
2.-3. Sep 2017 |
Perlentreff (beadmakers meeting), Archaeological Park
Roman Villa Borg (Germany) |
June 2017 |
Furnace Project BFP2017, Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg (Germany) |
Oct 2016 | GlasTag
2016 glass conference, Roemerstadt Augusta Raurica (Augst, Switzerland) |
Oct 2016 |
Furnace Projekt VFP2016, Provinciaal Archeologisch Museum Velzeke (Belgium) |
Sep 2016 |
FA V of the DGG (Deutsche Glastechnische Gesellschaft) in Ilmenau (Germany) |
June 2016 | Conference
Roman glass furnaces - contexts, finds and reconstructions in synthesis (with
Furnace Project), Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg (Germany) Conference
program - (Download) |
May 2016 | Roman
Furnace Project BFP2016, Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg (Germany) |
Oct - 6. Dec 2015 |
exhibition Formgeblasenes Glas, Mosaikglas, Rippenschalen und Fensterglas.
Ausgewählte Resultate der Borg Furnace Projects 2014-2015,
Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg (Germany) |
Oct 2015 |
2015 glass conference (registration required until 10. Oct. 2015;
GlasTag 2015-Programm in German language), Archaeological Park Roman Villa
Borg (Germany) |
Sep 2015 |
Furnace Projekt VFP2015, Provinciaal Archeologisch Museum Velzeke (Belgium) |
May - 7. June 2015 | Roman
Furnace Project BFP2015, Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg (Germany) |
Nov 2014 |
that travelled - Mediterranean Glass in the First Millennium AD, UCL
Early Glass Technology Research Network conference, UCL Institute of Archaeology
/ Wallace Collection / British Museum, London |
Oct 2014 |
Glas, Archäologisches Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen (Germany) |
Aug - 19. Oct 2014 |
Glasgestalter Josef Welzel: Skulptur, Gravur und römisches Luxusglas"
in the Glasmuseum Rheinbach (Germany); Download:
| 18.
Oct 2014 | Glastag
2014 (Glass Conference), Saalburgmuseum Bad Homburg (Germany) - program |
Sep 2014 |
Furnace Projekt VFP2014, Provinciaal Archeologisch Museum Velzeke (Belgium) |
May - 17. Aug 2014 |
exhibition 'CIRCUS
1989-2012', Glasmuseum Rheinbach (Germany) |
Jul 2014 |
"Zur Herstellungstechnik roemischer Rippenschalen" (in German language)
at the exhibition "ZIRKUSBECHER
UND RIPPENSCHALEN. ROMAN GLASSMAKERS Mark Taylor & David Hill, Werkschau 1989-2012",
Frank Wiesenberg, Glasmuseum Rheinbach |
Jun 2014 | Roman
Furnace Project BFP2014, Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg (Germany) |
Oct 2013 | Glastag
2013 (Glass Conference), LVR Roemermuseum Xanten (Germany) - program |
Oct 2013 |
Furnace Project BFP2013, Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg (Germany) |
Sep 2013 |
Furnace Projekt VFP2013, Provinviaal Archeologisch Museum Velzeke (Belgium) |
Feb - 4. Aug 2013 |
exhibition 'CIRCUS
1989-2012', Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg (Germany) |
Oct 2012 | Glastag
2012 (Glass Conference), Archeologigal Institue of Cologne University
(Germany) - program |
features current research projects, which focus on the research of ancient glass
manufacturing techniques and glass furnaces. Special focuses are on blown and
formed glass vessels. Main
projects are the current Roman Furnace Project of the Provinciaal Archeologisch
Museum Velzeke in Belgium, which was started in 2008, and the new (summer
2013) Roman Furnace Project of the Archaeological Park Roman
Villa Borg in Germany. Finished
projects such as the Roman Furnace Project der ROMAN GLASSMAKERS Mark Taylor &
David Hill (2005-2006, see
http://www. glasrepliken.de/p_glasofenexperiment_QFP.htm following) are not
covered by ARCHEOglas.com.
Furnace Project 'Borg Furnace Project' (BFP)
first project ARCHEOglas will cover is the reconstruction of a Roman
glass workshop based on an excavation in Trier (Hopfengarten), which was buildt
in the Archeological Park Roman
Villa Borg (Saarland / Germany). The furnaces were fired in October 2013 for
the first time. Building
the glass furnace and lehr (late July to late Spetember 2013): Experimental
test run included recording the furnace temperatures and wood consumption data
(30. Sep to 7. Oct 2013): pictures
(c) www.glasofenexperiment.de The
reconstruction and test phase of this hot glass workshop (summer/fall 2013) was
covered by a bachelor's thesis and published by the Archaeological
Park Roman Villa Borg in April 2014: Frank
Wiesenberg, Experimentelle Archäologie: Römische Glasöfen. Rekonstruktion
und Betrieb einer Glashütte nach römischem Vorbild in der Villa Borg.
Borg Furnace Project 2013. 
June 2014, this project was continued in cooperation with the ROMAN
GLASSMAKERS Mark Taylor & David Hill, François
Arnaud (Atelier PiVerre) and the Archaeological
Institute of the Cologne University as a seminar in experimental archeology.
Glass blowing demos took place from June 13th - 15th. The
next project was held in May/June 2015 again in cooperation with the
ROMAN GLASSMAKERS Mark Taylor & David Hill, François
Arnaud (Atelier PiVerre), supported this tome also by Torsten Rötzsch
Glashütte Gernheim). This was a seminar in experimental archaeology by
the Institut für Alte Geschichte der Universität des Saarlandes and
the Lehrstuhl für Vor- und Frühgeschichte und Vorderasiatische Archäologie
der Universität des Saarlandes statt. Glass blowing demos took place from
June 6th - 7th, 2015.
October 2015, the Glastag-conference
in the Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg was accompanied by a Roman furnace
project in the Villa Borg's glass workshop (October 16th - 18th, 2015). Further
projects were undertaken in May
20th - 22nd, 2016 (Borg Furnace Project 2016 in coorperation with the Trier University)
, June
10th - 12th, 2016 (conference Roman glass furnaces - contexts, finds and reconstructions
in synthesis) and June 2017 (Borg Furnace Project 2017 in cooperation with the Archaeological
Institute of Cologne University). The following project (Borg Furnace Project 2018 in cooperation with the Prehistoric Seminar of the Philipps-University Marburg) was scheduled for June 4th-10th, 2018.
next project (Borg Furnace Project 2022) is scheduled for the second week of June.
September 2016, the Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg's glass workshop features
another daub furnace construction (GO-Borg-2),
which is intented to be used on a daily basis for research and glassmaking demosntrations.
Also the
bead furnace study is available for demos. |
info is available on the project website www.glasofenexperiment.de
(German language only).
Furnace Project 'Velzeke Furnace Project' (VFP)
A quite
long ongoing project is the reconstruction of a Roman glass workshop located
at the Provinciaal Archeologisch
Museum Velzeke (Belgium). The furnaces were fired in November 2008 for the
first time and used normally once a year for a one week project each September,
which by now attracts many glassblowers and archaeologists not only from European
reports and picture stories on the VFP are published by the www.glasrepliken.de-website
(German language only). This
are some samples of the VFP2013: |
(c) www.glasrepliken.de The
next project in Velzeke is scheduled for September. DOWNLOADS
/ Presentations
Frank Wiesenberg,
Experimentelle Archoeologie: Roemische Glasoefen. Rekonstruktion und Betrieb einer
Glashuette nach roemischem Vorbild in der Villa Borg. Borg Furnace Project 2013,
Schriften des Archäologieparks Römische Villa Borg 6, ARCHEOglas 2 (Perl-Borg
2014) This
book was published by the Archeological Park Roman Villa Borg to illustrate the
reconstruction and the first test firing of the Roman style glass furnace. This
book may be ordered at the Villa Borg. The sales price is 9,90 Euro (plus shipping). |
Bettina Birkenhagen
/ Frank Wiesenberg, Zirkusbecher und Rippenschalen. ROMAN GLASSMAKERS Mark Taylor
& David Hill Werkschau 1989-2013,
Schriften des Archäologieparks Römische Villa Borg 5 / ARCHEOglas 1
(Perl-Borg 2013) Download-link
of the paper 'Zirkusbecher
und Rippenschalen' (Circus Beakers and Ribbed Bowls. ROMAN GLASSMAKERS Mark Taylor
and David Hill works exhibition 1989-2013. Roman glass in the Villa Borg; German
catalogue was published by the Archeological Park Roman Villa Borg to illustrate
the special exhibition (Febr. - Aug. 2013). Information about the research projects
and the range of products made by Mark Taylor & David Hill are presented as
well as some of the Roman glass finds of the Villa Borg. This
also is the start of a new series of publications named ARCHEOglas. |
preview document ist provided in corporation with the Archeological
Park Roman Villa Borg. The complete catalogue may be ordered at the Villa
Borg. The sales price is 9,90 Euro (plus shipping).
|  |
Frank Wiesenberg,
Das experimentalarchäologische "römische" Glasofenprojekt
im Archäologiepark Römische Villa Borg (Borg Furnace Project). In:
Michael Koch (Hrsg.), Archäologentage Otzenhausen 1. Archäologie in
der Großregion. Internationales Symposium zur Archäologie in der Großregion
in der Europäischen Akademie Otzenhausen vom 7.-9. März 2014 (Nonnweiler
2015) 315-322. Download-link
of the paper "Das
experimentalarchäologische 'römische' Glasofenprojekt im Archäologiepark
Römische Villa Borg (Borg Furnace Project)"
language with English and French summary) |
Frank Wiesenberg,
Mosaikglas, Rippenschalen und römisches Fensterglas - Neues vom experimentalarchäologischen
"römischen" Glasofenprojekt im Archäologiepark Römische
Villa Borg (Borg Furnace Project 2015, BFP2015).
In: Michael Koch (Hrsg.), Archäologentage Otzenhausen 2. Archäologie
in der Großregion. Internationales Symposium zur Archäologie in der
Großregion in der Europäischen Akademie Otzenhausen vom 19.-22. Februar
2015 (Nonnweiler 2016) 265-272. Download-link
of the paper "Rohglas,
Mosaikglas, Rippenschalen und römisches Fensterglas - Neues vom experimentalarchäologischen
'römischen' Glasofenprojekt im Archäologiepark Römische Villa Borg
(Borg Furnace Project 2015, BFP2015)" (German
language with English and French summary) |
Frank Wiesenberg,
Resultate der Experimentellen Archäologie: römische Fensterglasherstellung
beim Glasofenprojekt im Archäologiepark Römische Villa Borg. In:
Michael Koch (Hrsg.), Archäologentage Otzenhausen 3. Archäologie in
der Großregion. Beiträge des internationalen Symposiums zur Archäologie
in der Großregion in der Europäischen Akademie Otzenhausen vom 14.-17.04.2016
(Nonnweiler 2017) 307-314. Download-link
of the paper "Aktuelle
Resultate der Experimentellen Archäologie: römische Fensterglasherstellung
beim Glasofenprojekt im Archäologiepark Römische Villa Borg"
language with English and French summary) |
Frank Wiesenberg,
Das römische Glasofenprojekt im Archäologiepark Römische Villa
Borg (Borg Furnace Project) Rekonstruktion und erste Betriebsphasen.
In: Gunter Schöbel (Hrsg.), Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa 14
- Bilanz 2015 (Unteruhldingen 2015) 73-82. Download-link
of the paper "Das
römische Glasofenprojekt im Archäologiepark Römische Villa Borg
(Borg Furnace Project) Rekonstruktion und erste Betriebsphasen"
language with English summary) |
Frank Wiesenberg,
Rohglas, Mosaikglas, Rippenschalen und römisches Fensterglas ausgewählte
Resultate des Borg Furnace Project 2015 im Archäologiepark Römische
Villa Borg. In: Gunter Schöbel (Hrsg.), Experimentelle Archäologie
in Europa 15 - Jahrbuch 2016 (Unteruhldingen 2016) 35-46. Download-link
of the paper "Rohglas,
Mosaikglas, Rippenschalen und römisches Fensterglas ausgewählte
Resultate des Borg Furnace Project 2015 im Archäologiepark Römische
Villa Borg"
language with English summary) |
Frank Wiesenberg, Zur Herstellung römischer Rippenschalen.
Resultate aus dem Borg Furnace Project 2015. In: Gunter Schöbel (Hrsg.),
Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa 16 - Jahrbuch 2017 (Unteruhldingen 2017) 104-115.
of the paper "Zur Herstellung römischer Rippenschalen.
Resultate aus dem Borg Furnace Project 2015"
language with English summary) |
Frank Wiesenberg, Glasperlenherstellung am holzbefeuerten Lehmofen. In: Gunter Schöbel (Hrsg.), Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa 17 - Jahrbuch 2018 (Unteruhldingen 2018) 87-100.
of the paper "Glasperlenherstellung am holzbefeuerten Lehmofen"
language with English summary) |
Bettina Birkenhagen/Frank Wiesenberg, Der experimentalarchäologische Werkstattbereich im
Archäologiepark Römische Villa Borg. In: Gunter Schöbel (Hrsg.),
Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa 18 - Jahrbuch 2019 (Unteruhldingen 2019) 245-256.
of the paper "Der experimentalarchäologische Werkstattbereich im
Archäologiepark Römische Villa Borg"
language with English summary) |
Frank Wiesenberg,
Experimentelle Archäologie: Die römische Glashütte im Archäologiepark
Römische Villa Borg. In: Bettina Birkenhagen/Inken Vogt (Hrsg.), 30 Jahre
Archäologiepark Römische Villa Borg (Merzig 2016) 84-97. Download-link
of the paper "Die
römische Glashütte im Archäologiepark Römische Villa Borg"
language) |
Römerstadt AUGUSTA
RAURICA offers free downloading of these two books concerning roman glass
and glassworkshops (in German language): The
latter may be purchased in print as well as the new (2015) two book publication
by Sylvia Fünfschilling, Die römischen Gläser aus Augst und
Kaiseraugst. Kommentierter Formenkatalog und ausgewählte Neufunde 19812010
aus Augusta Raurica (Forschungen in Augst 51). Ordering
and downloading offer of some other books: http://www.augustaraurica.ch/de/archaeologie/literatur-und-verlag/forschungen-in-augst/
Historic England (formerly English Heritage),
Archaeological Evidence for Glassworking. Guidelines for Best Practice (Swindon
2011) Historic England now offers the valuable service to download PDFs of several small publications
covering archeological topics. Also, some of these publications may be ordered
free of charge in printed form at least within the UK.
Contents: How
to use these guidelines What is glass? An introduction to making and
working glass The practicalities of investigating a glassworking site
What you may find: general indications of glassmaking and working Interpreting
finds: the evidence from different glassworking methods Materials mistaken
for glassworking waste |
This PDF may be
downloaded for free from the Historic England website:
Degryse (Ed.), Glass Making in the Greco-Roman World: Results of the ARCHGLASS
project (Leuven University Press 2015)
This brandnew book sums up the results of the ARCHGLASS project directed by Patrick
Degryse (Leuven University, Belgium) dealing with the raw materials and glass
trade of Hellenistic and Roman glass. This
PDF may be downloaded for free from the Oapen website: http://www.oapen.org/search?identifier=513796%3Bkeyword%3Dglass+making
Film: Mould-blown
glass (ENNION jug / ewer and beaker)
Podcast: Seen Through Glass

EXARC Finally Friday Episode 15 - Seen Through Glass. Podcast/interwiew of about 30 minute duration featuring Sue Heaser and Frank Wiesenberg. Topics: Roman and Medieval glass beads, glass furnaces, and glass vessels and their reconstruction and manufacturing techniques. Host: Phoebe Baker |